Tagged "British Columbia"

Waylon and Copper 1st Road Trip to British Columbia, Canada!

Adventure Location: Across Canada - Stops included Moraine Lake and Lake Louise.

Canine Adventurer: Waylon and Copper (4 month old Golden Retrievers)

Lake Louise, Outblog by The Great Outdogs @you.me.andthe.skoolie

(Waylon and Copper at Lake Louise in Alberta)

Adventure Story

Our humans took us for a 11 day road trip from Ontario, Canada all the way to BC, Canada. We are only 4 month old golden retrievers. It took about 48 hours to drive this far. We camped in the car the first night, and had several camping spots while we travelled. We got to see mountains for the first time, saw several deer and other wild life. Then we stepped foot into the west coast water! And boy was it nice and cold and refreshing. We did so well traveling that our humans are going to take us to the east coast next summer!! Can’t wait to explore our great beautiful country.

Banff, Outblog by The Great Outdogs @you.me.andthe.skoolie
(Waylon and Copper exploring downtown Banff)
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